
The Perfect Amazon Post-Sale Review Follow-up Email Sequence

By October 16, 2017 No Comments

The key to effective marketing is getting the right message in front of the right person at the right time.

This is particularly pertinent with email marketing as you are interrupting the customer in a very personal place; their inbox.

Amazon sellers need to use follow-up sequences and email marketing carefully to ensure they get optimal results without alienating their customers.

In this post I will discuss our philosophy behind the perfect Amazon follow up sequence and I will share with you our three part template that we have used to receive upwards of 4% positive review rate.

A follow-up email sequences allow us to do three things:

  1. Encouraging positive product feedback
  2. Reducing negative product feedback
  3. Adding value to the customer experience

Each of these elements are critical to your success as an Amazon seller. Reviews are the life blood of your product and if your reviews start to slip so will your rankings and hence your revenue. It is a negative feedback cycle that will leave you broke.

A few tidbits before we start:

  • Ensure you send no more than 3 follow-up emails. Any more than this will annoy your customer and will have the opposite effect of what you are trying to achieve.
  • Run tests for yourself. Never follow anyone blindly. Maybe your niche is different to mine and your customers respond differently. Test headlines, copy etc. to make sure your funnel is working for you.
  • These messages are deliberately generic. You will likely have to edit to fit your product.

Before you will start you will need to use an Amazon email autoresponder. There are many out there are they all essentially perform the same function. We recommend AMZMailer and AMZFinder.

Email #1: The Order Confirmation Email

Timing: ASAP after order is Delivered

Purpose: We want to establish initial rapport with the customer, give some value for free and try to reduce the chance of them leaving a negative review if they are unhappy with the product.

Headline: Information: Your [product-name] Was Delivered

Email Content:

Hello [buyer-first-name],

Thank you for purchasing our [product-name].  Your order was packed and shipped by Amazon, and has now been delivered.

I wanted to share the attached [value-add-pdf] to help get you setup!

Please let us know if you have any problems with the [product-name]We are a small family company that live or die on the feedback of customers like yourself. Please do not hesitate to message us about any question or issue you are having. We want you to have the best experience possible with the [product-name].

Thank you again!

Owner – [company-name]

Email #2: Review Request Email

Timing: 2 Days After Delivered

Purpose: Ideally we want to get a review from this email. We send this email whilst the product is still freshly in the customers mind.

Headline: How is your new ‘[product-name]‘?

Email Content:

Hi [buyer-first-name],

My name is [owner-name] and I’m one of the owners of [company-name].

We noticed that your order was delivered recently. I wanted to make sure that you’re happy with your new [product-name]. If you have any issues, please reply to this message so I can make it right.

As a thank you for your business, I wanted to share the attached digital copy of the booklet [value-add-pdf2]which is also included with your ‘[product-name]!

We Need Your HELP!

We’re a small business and without your feedback and reviews, we can’t exist.

Your Feedback is so important to us!

If you are enjoying our product so far I would really appreciate it if you would leave us a review by clicking the link below.


If you’re not satisfied, before leaving a negative review, please let us make it right. Email us and we will do whatever it takes to make you happy.    

I want to personally thank you for being one of our customers. We LOVE our customers and will always be here if you need us.

Take care,
Owner – [company-name]

Email #3: Follow-up Email

Timing: 7 Days After Delivered

Purpose: Generally the customer has had enough experience with the product now to be qualified to leave a proper review so we should push hard to get a review. We also want to use this last opportunity to discover if they are having any issues and try to resolve them before they leave a negative review.

Headline: Thank You!

Hi [buyer-first-name],

This will be the last email from us about your recent purchase.

I just wanted to make sure you’re enjoying your [product-name].

We really appreciate your business and wanted to say again, Thank You!

And to show our gratitude I have attached our useful [value-add-pdf3]. Hopefully this will help you get the most out of your [product-name]!

Could you please do us one small favor?

Amazon thrives on customer feedback and reviews. We would appreciate it if you could leave us one.

If you already left us one, THANK YOU!

If you haven’t yet, click the link below to leave your review of our product:


If you have any questions or need help with your [product-name], please let us know. We are here to help and want to make sure you’re a HAPPY Customer 🙂

Take care,
Owner – [company-name]

These are the templates we use and have received 4%+ review rate over 100k+ orders. Please feel free to steal them and modify them as you see fit :).

Let me know your thoughts in the comments!

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